Staging changes in memory

This section explains the low level design of InMemoryDataset.

When a InMemoryDataset is modified in any way, all changed chunks are held in memory until they are ready to be committed to disk. To do so, InMemoryDataset wraps around a StagedChangesArray object, which is a numpy.ndarray-like object.

The StagedChangesArray holds its data in slabs, which is a list of array-like objects built as the concatenation of chunks along axis 0, typically with shape (n*chunk_size[0], *chunk_size[1:]), where n is the number of chunks on the slab. This is the same layout as the raw_data dataset on disk.

The list of slabs is made of three parts:

  • The full slab is a special slab that is always present and contains exactly one read-only chunk, a broadcasted numpy array full of the fill_value. It’s always at index 0.

  • The base slabs are array-likes that are treated as read-only. At the moment of writing, when the InMemoryDataset creates the StagedChangesArray, it passes to it only one base slab, that is the raw_data h5py.Dataset - which, conveniently, is a numpy-like object. This slab is typically found at index 1, but may be missing for a dataset that’s completely empty.

  • The staged slabs are writeable numpy arrays that are created automatically by the StagedChangesArray whenever there is need to modify a chunk that lies on either the full slab or a base slab.

Two numpy arrays of metadata are used to keep track of the chunks:

  • slab_indices is an array of integers, with the same dimensionality as the virtual array represented by the StagedChangesArray and one point per chunk, which contains the index of the slab in the slabs list that contains the chunk.

  • slab_offsets is an array of identical shape to slab_indices that contains the offset of the chunk within the slab along axis 0.


chunk_size[0] = 10

slab_indices      slab_offsets  slabs[1]              slabs[2]
(0 = fill_value)

1 1 0             30 10  0       0:10 (unreferenced)   0:10 (unreferenced)
0 2 0              0 20  0      10:20                 10:20
0 2 0              0 10  0      20:30 (unreferenced)  20:30

virtual array (* = chunk completely covered in fill_value)

slabs[1][30:40]  slabs[1][10:20]  slabs[0][0:10]*
slabs[0][ 0:10]* slabs[2][20:30]  slabs[0][0:10]*
slabs[0][ 0:10]* slabs[2][10:20]  slabs[0][0:10]*

In order to be performant, operations are chained together in a way that minimizes Python interaction and is heavily optimized with Cython. To this extent, each user request (__getitem__, __setitem__, resize(), or load()) is broken down into a series of slice pairs, each covering at most one chunk, that are encoded in one numpy array per pair of slabs (source and destination) involved in the transfer. Each slice pair consists of

  • an n-dimensional source start index, e.g. the coordinates of the top-left corner to read from the source array-like;

  • an n-dimensional destination start index, e.g. the coordinates of the top-left corner to write to in the destination array;

  • an n-dimensional count, e.g. the number of points to read from the source array-like and write to the destination array (they always match, so there’s only one count);

  • an n-dimensional source stride, a.k.a. step, with 1 meaning contiguous (not to be confused with numpy’s strides, which is the number of bytes between points along an axis);

  • an n-dimensional destination stride.

Those familiar with the HDF5 C API may have recognized that this is a direct mapping to the start, stride, and count parameters of the two H5Sselect_hyperslab function calls - one for the source and one for the destination spaces - that the library needs to prepend to a H5Dread call.

The StagedChangesArray is completely agnostic of the underlying storage - anything will work as long as it’s got a basic numpy-like API. Once the data is ready to be transferred between two slabs, the StagedChangesArray calls the read_many_slices() function, which identifies if the source slab is a h5py.Dataset or a numpy array and calls two different implementations to execute the transfer - in the case of h5py.Dataset, a for loop in C, directly to the underlying HDF5 C library, of H5Sselect_hyperslab (source dataset) ➞ H5Sselect_hyperslab (destination numpy array) ➞ H5Dread.

The source array-like can be either:

  • a base slab (the raw_data h5py.Dataset); all source start indices along axis 0 need to be shifted by the value indicated in slab_offsets;

  • a staged slab (a numpy array in memory), again shifted by slab_offsets;

  • the full slab (a broadcasted numpy array);

  • the value parameter of the __setitem__ method.

The destination array (always an actual numpy.ndarray) can be either:

  • a staged slab, shifted by slab_offsets;

  • the return value of the __getitem__ method, which is created empty at the beginning of the method call and then progressively filled slice by slice.


To encapsulate the complex decision-making logic of the StagedChangesArray methods, the actual methods of the class are designed as fairly dumb wrappers which

  1. create a *Plan class with all the information needed to execute the operation (GetItemPlan for __getitem__(), SetItemPlan for __setitem__(), etc.);

  2. consume the plan, implementing its decisions - chiefly by calling the read_many_slices() function for each pair of slabs involved in the transfer;

  3. discard the plan.

The *Plan classes are agnostic to data types, never access the actual data (slabs, __getitem__ return value, or __setitem__ value parameter) and exclusively deal in shapes, chunks, and indices.

For debugging purposes, these classes can be generated without executing the method that consumes them by calling the StagedChangesArray._*_plan() methods; this allows pretty-printing the list of their instructions e.g. in a Jupyter notebook.

For example, in order to debug what will happen when you call dset[2:5, 3:6] = 42, where dset is a staged versioned_hdf5 dataset, you can run:

>>> dset.dataset.staged_changes._setitem_plan((slice(2, 5), slice(3, 6)))

SetItemPlan<value_shape=(3, 3), value_view=[:, :], append 2 empty slabs,
7 slice transfers among 3 slab pairs, drop 0 slabs>
  slabs.append(np.empty((6, 2)))  # slabs[2]
  slabs.append(np.empty((2, 2)))  # slabs[3]
  # 3 transfers from slabs[1] to slabs[2]
  slabs[2][0:2, 0:2] = slabs[1][10:12, 0:2]
  slabs[2][2:4, 0:2] = slabs[1][18:20, 0:2]
  slabs[2][4:6, 0:2] = slabs[1][20:22, 0:2]
  # 1 transfers from value to slabs[3]
  slabs[3][0:2, 0:2] = value[0:2, 1:3]
  # 3 transfers from value to slabs[2]
  slabs[2][0:2, 1:2] = value[0:2, 0:1]
  slabs[2][2:3, 1:2] = value[2:3, 0:1]
  slabs[2][4:5, 0:2] = value[2:3, 1:3]
[[1 1 1 1]
 [1 2 3 1]
 [1 2 2 1]
 [1 1 1 1]]
[[ 0  2  4  6]
 [ 8  0  0 14]
 [16  2  4 22]
 [24 26 28 30]]

General plans algorithm

All plans share a similar workflow:

  1. Preprocess the index, passed by the user as a parameter to __getitem__ and __setitem__, into a list of IndexChunkMapper objects (one per axis).

  2. Query the IndexChunkMapper’s to convert the index of points provided by the user to an index of chunks along each axis, then use the indices of chunks to slice the slab_indices and slab_offsets arrays to obtain the metadata of only the chunks that are impacted by the selection.

  3. Further refine the above selection on a chunk-by-chunk basis using a mask, depending on the value of the matching point of slab_indices. Different masking functions, which depend on the specific use case, select/deselect the full slab, the base slabs, or the staged slabs. For example, the load() method - which ensures that everything is loaded into memory - will only select the chunks that lie on the base slabs.

  4. You now have three aligned flattened lists:

    • n-dimensional chunk indices that were selected both at step 2 and 3;

    • the corresponding point of slab_indices, and

    • the corresponding point of slab_offsets.

  5. Sort by slab_indices and partition along them. This is to break the rest of the algorithm into separate calls to read_many_slices(), one per pair of source and destination slabs. Note that a transfer operation is always from N slabs to 1 slab or to the __getitem__ return value, or from 1 slab or the __setitem__ value parameter to N slabs, and that the slab index can mean either source or destination depending on context.

  6. For each (chunk index, slab index, slab offset) triplet from the above lists, query the IndexChunkMapper’s again, independently for each axis, to convert the global n-dimensional index of points that was originally provided by the user to a local index that only impacts the chunk. For each axis, this will return:

    • exactly one 1-dimensional slice pair, in case of basic indices (scalars or slices);

    • one or more 1-dimensional slice pairs, in case of advanced indices (arrays of indices or arrays of bools).

  7. Put the list of 1-dimensional slices in pseudo-cartesian product to produce a list of n-dimensional slices, one for each point impacted by the selection. It is pseudo-cartesian because at step 3 we have been cherry-picking points in the hyperspace of chunks; if we hadn’t done that, only limiting ourselves to the selection along each axis at step 2, it would be a true cartesian product.

  8. If the destination array is a new slab, update slab_indices and slab_offsets to reflect the new position of the chunks.

  9. Feed the list of n-dimensional slices to the read_many_slices() function, which will actually transfer the data.

  10. Go back to step 6 and repeat for the next pair of source and destination arrays/slabs.

__getitem__ algorithm

GetItemPlan is one of the simplest plans once you have encapsulated the general algorithm described at the previous paragraphs. It makes no distinction between full, base, or staged slabs and there is no per-chunk masking. It figures out the shape of the return value, creates it with numpy.empty, and then transfers from each slab into it.

There is no cache on read: calling the same index twice will result in two separate reads to the base slabs, which typically translates to two calls to h5py.Dataset.__getitem__ and two disk accesses. However, note that the HDF5 C library features its own caching, configurable via rdcc_nbytes and rdcc_nslots.

For this reason, this method never modifies the state of the StagedChangesArray.

__setitem__ algorithm

SetItemPlan is substantially more complex than GetItemPlan because it needs to handle the following use cases:

  1. The index completely covers a chunk that lies either on the full slab or on a base slab. The chunk must be replaced with a brand new one in a new staged slab, which is filled with a copy of the contents of the __setitem__ value parameter. slab_indices and slab_offsets are updated to reflect the new position of the chunk on a staged slab. The original full or base slab is never accessed.

  2. The index partially covers a chunk that lies on the full slab or on a base slab. The chunk is first copied over from the full or base slab to a brand new staged slab, which is then updated with the contents of the __setitem__ value parameter. slab_indices and slab_offsets are updated to reflect the new position of the chunk on a staged slab.

  3. The index covers a chunk that is already lying on a staged slab. The slab is updated in place; slab_indices and slab_offsets are not modified.

To help handle the first two use cases, the IndexChunkMapper’s have the concept of selected chunks, which are chunks that contain at least one point of the index along one axis, and whole chunks, which are chunks where all points of the chunk are covered by the index along one axis.

Moving to the n-dimensional space,

  • a chunk is selected when it’s caught by the intersection of the selected chunk indices along all axes;

  • a chunk is wholly selected when it’s caught by the intersection of the whole chunk indices along all axes;

  • a chunk is partially selected if it’s selected along all axes, but not wholly selected along at least one axis.


>>> arr.shape
(30, 50)
>> arr.chunk_size
(10, 10)
>>> arr[5:20, 30:] = 42

The above example partially selects chunks (0, 3) and (0, 4) and wholly selects chunks (1, 3) and (1, 4):

0 ...pp
1 ...ww
2 .....

The SetItemPlan thus runs the general algorithm twice:

  1. With a mask that picks the chunks that lie either on full of base slabs, intersected with the mask of partially selected chunks. These chunks are moved to the staged slabs.

  2. Without any mask, as now all chunks either lie on staged slabs or are wholly selected by the update; in the latter case __setitem__ creates a new slab with numpy.empty and appends it to StagedChangesArray.slabs. The updated surfaces are then copied from the __setitem__ value parameter.

resize() algorithm

ResizePlan iterates along all axes and resizes the array independently for each axis that changed shape. This typically causes the slab_indices and slab_offsets arrays to change shape too.

Special attention needs to be paid to edge chunks, that is the last row or column of chunks along one axis, which may not be exactly divisible by the chunk_size before and/or after the resize operation.

Shrinking is trivial: if an edge chunk needs to be reduced in size along one or more axes, it doesn’t need to be actually modified on the slabs. The StagedChangesArray simply knows that, from this moment on, everything beyond the edge of the chunk on the slab is to be treated as uninitialised memory.

Creating brand new chunks when enlarging is also trivial, as they are simply filled with 0 on both slab_indices and slab_offsets to represent that they lie on the full slab. They won’t exist on the staged slabs until someone writes to them with __setitem__.

Enlarging edge chunks that don’t lie on the full slab is more involved, as they need to be physically filled with the fill_value:

  1. If a chunk lies on a base slab, it first needs to be transferred over to a staged slab, which is created brand new for the occasion;

  2. then, there is a transfer from the full slab to the staged slab for the extra area that needs to be filled with the fill_value.

load() algorithm

LoadPlan ensures that all chunks are either on the full slab or on a staged slab. It selects all chunks in that lie on a base slab and transfers them to a brand new staged slab.

Reclaiming memory

Each plan that mutates the state - SetItemPlan, ResizePlan, and LoadPlan - has a chance of not needing a chunk anymore on a particular slab, either because that chunk does not exist anymore (resize() to shrink the shape) or because it’s been moved from a base slab to a staged slab (__setitem__, resize(), or load()).

When a chunk leaves a slab, it leaves an empty area in the old slab. This is normal and fine when the slab is disk-backed (the raw_data h5py.Datataset that serves as a base slab), but results in memory fragmentation and potentially a perceived “memory leak” from the final user when the slab is in memory (a staged slab). For the sake of simplicity, the surface is never reused; later operations just create new slabs.

In practice, fragmentation should not be a problem, as it only happens if someone updates a chunk with __setitem__ and later drops that very same chunk with resize() - which is obviously wasteful so it should not be part of a typical workflow. Additionally, slabs are cleaned up as soon as the staged version is committed.

If a slab is completely empty, however - in other words, it no longer appears in slab_indices - it may be dropped. This is guaranteed to happen for staged slabs and may happen for base slabs too (if computationally cheap to determine). Note that nothing particular happens today when the raw_data base slab, which is a hdf5 dataset,is deferenced by the StagedChangesArray.

When a slab is dropped, it is replaced by None in the slabs list, which dereferences it. This allows not to change all the following slab indices after the operation. The full slab is never dropped, as it may be needed later by resize() to create new chunks or partially fill existing edge chunks.

API interaction

digraph { node [shape=box]; user [shape=ellipse; label="Final user"] subgraph cluster_0 { label=""; DatasetWrapper -> InMemoryDataset; DatasetWrapper -> InMemorySparseDataset; DatasetWrapper -> InMemoryArrayDataset; } subgraph cluster_1 { label=""; StagedChangesArray; Plans [ label="GetItemPlan\nSetItemPlan\nResizePlan\nLoadPlan\nChangesPlan"; ] StagedChangesArray -> Plans -> TransferPlan; } subgraph cluster_2 { label=""; read_many_slices_param_nd -> IndexChunkMapper; } subgraph cluster_3 { label="slicetools.pyx"; build_slab_indices_and_offsets; read_many_slices; hdf5_c [label="libhdf5 C API (via Cython)"]; build_slab_indices_and_offsets -> hdf5_c; read_many_slices -> hdf5_c; } subgraph cluster_4 { label=""; commit_version; } user -> DatasetWrapper; InMemoryDataset -> StagedChangesArray; InMemoryDataset -> build_slab_indices_and_offsets; InMemorySparseDataset -> StagedChangesArray; Plans -> IndexChunkMapper; TransferPlan -> read_many_slices; TransferPlan -> read_many_slices_param_nd; InMemorySparseDataset -> commit_version; InMemoryArrayDataset -> commit_version; InMemoryDataset -> commit_version; h5py; commit_version -> h5py; hdf5_file [label="HDF5 file"; shape=cylinder]; h5py -> hdf5_file; hdf5_c -> hdf5_file; }


  • read_many_slices_param_nd has API awareness of read_many_slices to craft its input parameters, but no API integration.

  • Likewise, build_slab_indices_and_offsets knows about the format of the slab_indices and slab_offsets of StagedChangesArray, but does not directly interact with it.