
Steps before a release

  • Before making a release, you need to make a changelog with the changes. The changelog is in docs/ (see Versioned HDF5 Change Log).

  • It’s a good idea to push up your changes as a GitHub PR before doing the final release cut so that the CI runs all the tests. You can merge the PR once the release is made.

  • Make sure to update version pinning in if necessary, e.g., if the minimum supported version of h5py or ndindex has changed.

Doing the release

To do a release, simply create a new release from the GitHub web ui. Click Draft a new release, then create a new tag containing the version number.

Once the release has been made, the pypi_publish.yml workflow will run, building wheels and publishing them to PYPI. The workflow uses trusted publishing, meaning that github itself uploads the release to PYPI without needing authentication from the maintainer.

Updating conda-forge

The bot will make a pull request to the conda-forge feedstock automatically. You will need to be listed as a maintainer in the recipe to be able to merge it. If you aren’t, make a PR adding yourself.