API Documentation

class versioned_hdf5.VersionedHDF5File(f)

A Versioned HDF5 File

This is the main entry-point of the library. To use a versioned HDF5 file, pass a h5py file to constructor. The methods on the resulting object can be used to view and create versions.

Note that versioned HDF5 files have a special structure and should not be modified directly. Also note that once a version is created in the file, it should be treated as read-only. Some protections are in place to prevent accidental modification, but it is not possible in the HDF5 layer to make a dataset or group read-only, so modifications made outside of this library could result in breaking things.

>>> import h5py
>>> f = h5py.File('file.h5')
>>> from versioned_hdf5 import VersionedHDF5File
>>> file = VersionedHDF5File(f)

Access versions using indexing

>>> version1 = file['version1']

This returns a group containing the datasets for that version.

To create a new version, use stage_version().

>>> with file.stage_version('version2') as group:
...     group['dataset'] = ... # Modify the group

When the context manager exits, the version will be written to the file.

Finally, use

>>> file.close()

to close the VersionedHDF5File object (note that the h5py file object should be closed separately.)


Make sure the VersionedHDF5File object is no longer reachable.

property current_version

The current version.

The current version is used as the default previous version to stage_version(), and is also used for negative integer version indexing (the current version is self[0]).

stage_version(version_name: str, prev_version=None, make_current=True, timestamp=None)

Return a context manager to stage a new version

The context manager returns a group, which should be modified in-place to build the new version. When the context manager exits, the new version will be written into the file.

version_name should be the name for the version.

prev_version should be the previous version which this version is based on. The group returned by the context manager will mirror this previous version. If it is None (the default), the previous version will be the current version. If it is '', there will be no previous version.

If make_current is True (the default), the new version will be set as the current version. The current version is used as the default prev_version for any future stage_version call.